Why THIS Story, NOW?

Why THIS Story, NOW?

Stephanie uncensored on "Snakegate"

I was leaving a voice message for a friend on Telegram and about 5 minutes into it, I thought I might post it up here. It’s raw. This is me not trying to be professional and nice. I just wanted to share my frustration over this story and why I’m frustrated. Below is a very rough transcript. Please check the footnotes at the bottom.

Hey, how are you doing? So I'm. I have to tell you. Ever since I've been writing about this snake venom in the water stuff. People have gone crazy over it like they can't handle you criticizing it. It's weird and it's creepy. And it's cult like. And it's very, very concerning to me and a bit depressing because they had this person. I don't know who they were. They don't normally comment on my by my Substack. And they were like, really offended that I. You know, when I I wrote my original rebuttal and and Dr. Ardis.

He's the guy who put out the interview with Stew Peters. He's like, wrong about basic stuff. So if he's messed up and wrong about basic stuff, why should I trust him about the more complicated stuff? He can't even get basic facts right.

So anyway. He claims that monoclonal antibodies are snake anti venom, which they're not and I wasn’t the only person to point this out. There's another woman who looked it up and she said I can't find it being used anywhere.1 I I didn't even go that far. I just looked it up and I was like he he made it out like they were that their sole uses for snake bites. And I looked it up and it's so. Easy enough to find that they're used for a variety of different things, so why would you? Why would you say that? Like there's it's just bullshit.

So that's like his initial premise. That's the foundation for his entire theory is that he started out with their suppressing monoclonal antibodies because. They are. They don't want people to get snake venom treated and monoclonal antibodies works against snake bites, but that's not even what actually is. That's not even true.

So. So I I put that, you know, I cited in my article. And my first article, there’s a study. It talks about all the different uses for monoclonal antibodies beyond you know what he was talking about and people ignore it and they're just like you don't have anything to back up what you're saying. And I'm like, well, but I I put a study in there. I I cited what I was saying. I explained my opinion on various different things. And they’re arguing with me.

And so then I do a video to try to go into the other issue, which was this article about an Arizona study that said, like, venom coursing through the body, scientists find enzyme and, you know, COVID-19 or whatever. So I go read those articles that they send me, I go look at this study and it it's not saying that people who have COVID have a snake enzyme and that it doesn't say that at all. It's similar to a snake enzyme.

This is not a minor difference. It's a huge difference. So. So I do this video explaining why it's not the same thing and that this enzyme naturally occurs in the human body and the enzyme when it's in small levels, actually helps to protect against bacterial infections. It's just a problem when you have too much of it well. Well, that goes right over people's heads.

And then I have people arguing with me. You're just criticizing without anything to back it up. You don't have any, you know? And I'm just like. But dude, I just went over the information that you sent me and I pointed out why I was being misinterpreted. What more do you want from me? And what is? What is? What is wrong with you? Why can't you see? I mean, I I think I said it pretty plainly and clearly. So I have to start to wonder, are people really that dumb or are there people out there who are trolling trying to push this story more or is it somebody who is a friend of the doctor’s, I don't know. I mean, why are people so heavily invested in it and getting pissed off when you point out in a reasonable way?

Look, these, this information that he's basing this whole theory on really isn't as cut and dry as what he's saying to you. So I put up this article, you know, 'cause, he's claiming it's in the water. While he's all well, I I don't need to do testing, he says. Because the CDC is doing the testing that CDC itself says that covid's in the water. The CDC isn’t testing your drinking water. They're testing your wastewater. In the United States, those are two completely different systems, two completely types of water. We don't mix them in, you know. We don't mix them in America primarily because even though we have the technology to recycle the wastewater into tap water, people can freak out about it. And so primarily they still don't do it. And but even if they did by the time and went through the whole process and I've toured a one of the largest waste treatment plants in the United States, they really do work to try to kill off as many pathogens in it, because they have to.

If they didn't, people would be getting sick all the time from. I mean, that's why people used to get sick from cholera, I believe. So I'm so frustrated because,  we were starting to make maybe a little bit of headway on all of this other stuff and here comes this like super crazy story that suddenly like I mean it went like wildfire through…I had you sent me something about it and you said you've been seeing it everywhere. Well, I had another friend who sent me the the first video without, you know, realizing that I'd already written about it. So I had to send him my articles and whatnot.

And I'm just like, why? Why this one story? Why is this being pushed so hard? So yeah, you know, somebody was saying. They were writing about it and they were like, well, you know, maybe maybe he really is on a hit list 'cause now the doctor saying, oh, I think I'm on a hit list from Big Pharma. And my comment was like, if I were Big Pharma, I would, I would be doing the opposite. I'd be paying to push his theories because they sound so crazy and they they don't actually have anything to back up most of them.

So it's like this is like primed to create headlines. It's like Pizzagate. I don't even know if you remember Pizzagate or you're in the UK, so maybe it wasn't a big deal there, but this is Pizzagate all over again and it's just going to discredit the whole thing.2 So I don't know, I'm just like, I'm so frustrated and.

Anyway, so I guess I'm just gonna. I I'll keep posting and I'm gonna, you know, I'm gonna. People are gonna say. Well, it's definitely you're just being mean and blah, blah blah. I'm not trying to be mean. It's like, do you guys understand? Like what the media is gonna do with this, right. Like you have to be really careful when you make accusations that, you know, the government’s purposely putting snake venom in water, and that covid is not actually a real virus. It's a snake venom or something.

Now there's one interesting study that talks about peptides, but they said they are. They're venom like peptides. They are related to or similar to peptides found in not just snakes but like, I think snails and other marine animals and stuff I I will be looking into this and writing something up about it because that still doesn't mean that covid is snake venom. It just means that there are properties in it that act like certain types of venom peptides.3

And certainly that could have been encouraged to gain of function research. But that's not the same thing as saying COVID isn't a virus. It's not respiratory. They're putting it in the water. And, oh, by the way, remdesivir is also snake venom. It's just powdered snake venom. And you know, I mean, anyway, I'm. I'm a little bit frustrated, as you can tell. Sorry. You know what? I I think I might just like upload this to my Substack? Because why the hell not? People can just see how frustrated I am. So anyway, I'll talk to you later. Bye.

Follow me on GETTR @stephaniebrail.

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Here’s a link to the video on Rumble from TheCovid19Warrior. I haven’t had a chance to watch the whole thing yet, but she talks about the monoclonal antibodies not being snake antivenin pretty early on.


Before you yell at me that “Pizzagate was real,” let me say I followed the story closely when it first came out and there was some truth in it mixed up with a whole bunch of dubious rabbit holes, obsessive connection-finding, and possibly specious leaps resulting in allegations about certain famous people being pedophiles. The media took the whole mess and tried to distill it down into “crazy people claimed Hillary Clinton ran a pedophile ring out of a pizza joint.” Yes, I know all about the weird code in the Podesta emails, the “handkerchief with a map on it,” and an excessive amount of money Obama spent on hot dogs and pizza for one “party.” I know that David Brock dated the guy (James Alefantis, I believe) who owned Comet Pizza and about Brock’s connections to the Democrats. I saw the bizarre photograph of the girl with her arms taped to the table at Comet Pizza. However, circumspect and/or circumstantial evidence is not absolute proof that someone is a pedophile, and that’s where the movement tripped up and let the media completely toss out the whole story. (Or, some might argue, the well was poisoned on purpose.)


I misspoke here about the toxin-like peptides being “in” the covid virus. That study may not mean this either, but I will explain in more depth in my upcoming article.

Commentary on health and medicine from a holistic perspective.