Actually, we are in World War III, but by proxy war. We send the money, supplies and the equipment, etc.

One thing you said that really got me thinking was that some people think our vote doesn't count. I felt that way because I think they've already selected who they want in.

If they would only count our votes.

Will be voting in the election and it won't be for "the camel lady". People may wonder why I call her that.

She reamed a reporters a** one time when they mispronounced her name sounding like the word camel. Camel-a.

It was disgusting and she should be ashamed of herself ! Not just for that, but we know about the children and the mining and South America, blah blah blah

The other thing is that she's calling herself black - she's not and she knows it . She was on a Indian cooking show very proud of her Indian heritage from her mother and then her father is Jamaican.

There's a difference between African and just having slightly dark skin. Give me a break people...can't you see what's happening?

If not, we have nothing to discuss because people are so irrational, brainwashed, indoctrinated and downright crazy. I do believe it's the rhetoric that's causing this hatred and the wild thing is that is that they're projecting that on the "other" party but they're the ones that are actually doing it.

I'm not saying that there's some rhetoric on the other side as well but good God people!!!

Thank you, Stephanie. Really appreciate your courage to write this article. 🙏

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You must also understand the deeper reason for war. It is used to cover all kinds of unsolvable issues that have been created over decades. The reason for WW3 is to cover for the massive Western debt. During war, nations default on debts. There is no way the US, EU, or Japan debt can be paid back. As a matter of fact, the political class has never intended to pay any back. Instead, Ponzi-like schemes are used to perpetual new debt. The US can borrow indefinitely and have trillions of accumulated debt if buyers continue to buy new debt. However, once buyers stop buying, the defaults begin; like the game musical chairs, the old debt cannot be refinanced, and bonds default. This has already started as China and others are slowing their US bond purchases and even selling bonds. China sold over fifty billion dollars of US debt in the first quarter.

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