I've noticed this over the years. Morality, like any other talent, has a bell curve. 5% of the people are unstoppably good, will do the right thing regardless of incentives, and simply can't imagine anyone else being evil. 5% are unstoppably evil. They live to torture and harm. They used to be executed, now they're executives.

Most folks are "trainable", capable of good or bad when the incentives are shaped in those directions.

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Jun 25Liked by Stephanie B.

Again, Wow Substacker! You are one of first writers to describe, for me, the child-like demeanor of the unwoke. You have written what I experienced

I admit: It is frustrating that the woke are often sweet-natured, giving, and even highly-functioning members of society. Those in my own circle are usually financially-secure blessed with stable employment, well-funded retirements, home ownership and even lavish travel and vacations. My hints hat "the sky is falling" usually fall on deaf ears and sometimes I feel that it is I who am mad...To me, Trump is a beta test. As flawed as he is, if you are unwilling to see or recognize his "light," signifies for me that yours is dim or nonexistent. (Just about all of my loved ones detest the man!). Even today I asked a new acquaintances, who went into the TDS rant, if they saw contive decline in the presentvleader. She replies, oh, he's just an old man. Yet despite all their sunny normality, something is missing. They are zombified Step ford Wives, who are unable or unwilling to see the abyss that awaits them. What to do? I remember the myth of Cassandra, crying out hoping someone will listen and heed. The sky, indeed is falling and we don't have much time! Thank you for the confirmation!

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Yes so sad! Perhaps they have all had multiples of the jab and dementia has set in! Im just wanting a good reason for anyone being so shut off from our obvious reality๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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Interesting idea. Heart of stone people is a new concept - I've not heard that before. It's from the Kabbalah is it?

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Yes, specifically from Rabbi Isaac Luria in the book Sha'ar ha Gilgulim (Gate of Reincarnations). I just learned about it from a teacher so don't know too much but I am going to try to find out more.

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I would be grateful that someone took the trouble to tell me why they were disappearing.

Otherwise I might think that they were sick or deceased and I might feel guilty for not reaching out to them.

Depends on the level of friendship of course.

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I rarely disown people completely, it's more about muting their annoying feed. They don't need to know I have muted them.

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Jun 24Liked by Stephanie B.

I agree 100%! To continue trying to wake someone up to the realities of our time is proving futile! Surprising is the fact that many are going through the most difficult time in their lives and are blaming 45/47!!!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Just blows my mind so Iโ€™ve given up! Please keep posting enlightenment and maybe, just maybe something in the universe will jar them awake before itโ€™s too late!โค๏ธ

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By going along

They get what they want.

They get

Not having to be responsible.


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My sister's husband is a good man, but shocked me last summer when he told me flat up, "I don't believe in God". Their liberal and have been brainwashed sadly, took the shots, and think the problem with this country is religious right wing fanatics....

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There are discerning atheists but most atheists have a dimmed capacity to perceive God, which makes them more prone to poor discernment in identifying evil as well.

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