I typed: proportion of global pharmaceutical companies in USA and darling AI found me this:

56% of global market capitalization belongs to U.S. drugmakers

9 out of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies by market capitalization are from the United States

The United States has the largest national pharmaceutical market worldwide

Think there might be a correlation between American ill-health and these numbers?

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Indirectly, yes. Big Pharma has clearly captured the regulatory authorities, which explains the huge push for COVID vaccines over treatments. And drugs like Statins continue to make billions for Big Pharma even though they may be causing more harm than good.

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77% young Americans not fit for active duty!!

American Healthcare

Where did all that Covid money 💰 go?

The most expensive and our society is less healthy

Now than back in the 1960s.

Personally think vaxxines for children is a huge factor.

Of course there are many reasons why people are

Less healthy now than then.

Our medical community needs serious improvements and changes.

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Yes, thank you for the post on this subject. This subject can never be discussed too much. If one visits Europe, you can clearly see the difference. People in Europe are thinner, more fit, and walk constantly.

It's not the difference in healthcare but in eating habits, food industries, and attitudes toward physical movement. I live in Colorado, and when visiting other states, I am shocked at the number of obese people. Colorado is starting to catch up to fatness as more people unfortunately migrate here. We were the slimmest states for decades and still are, but we are losing percentage points.

The food industrial complex is no different from the military industry complex. They both center on profit at the expense of lives. Please, any who read this post and my comment. Start eating whole food, make your own sauces with whole food, and stop eating seed oils. That means the foods denounced as evil, such as butter, meat, and animal fats, are good for you. Cholesterol is needed for brain function; it's not a harmful substance your body makes. All that I just mentioned has been a food cyop by the food industrial complex. Hence, you buy their highly manufactured and processed replacements—for instance, margarine and vegetable oils- and avoid meat. Remember how starting in the 1980s, there was a big push to consume a new healthy oil, Canola oil? The oil industry was trying to create a new market for industrial Canola for the grain industry. Yes, industry. These huge grain farms, including corn, are giant manufacturing plants that consume vast acres and require massive machines that support another giant sector, i.e., John Deere, and the chemical industry, i.e., Monsanto and Conagra.

What I just wrote consumes books of data on how highly dangerous our food has become. So, it's essential to stick with the natural version of food. That means food in their natural god-given wrappers, the skin. And, concluding that there are only a few isles one can shop from in a grocery store.

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Hah! I just came inside to take a break from watering my fruit trees and vegetable garden.....

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Well said. Though I don't want to excuse America's very expensive and not very effective healthcare system, it's far from the only problem. You've given some good specifics on how processed food is damaging the health of America, and added exercise to the mix. The degree of loneliness and social isolation faced by many Americans is also part of why suicide, drugs and alcohol abuse are such big health issues. The issues are complex and interrelated.

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Yep, everything is connected, isn't it? I think the primary culprit in our issues is politics. If we took that out, life would be calmer. IMHO

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