Dear Stephanie,

as a vax injured person, I'm relieved that you finally accepted the truth.

I'm also forever grateful that you even dedicated a whole post about potential censorship on substack once my channel got shadow banned last lear.

Keep on doing your splendid research.

Btw. as expected the video got taken down on YouTube. I assume he was pressured to deleted otherwise John might have lost his whole channel.

Here's a reupload on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v5e24dw--0765-dr-john-campbell-official-confirming.html

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thank you for the new video link.

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Holy Cow!

I guess my first question would be what is more harmful, gene therapy or self-assembling nanostructures? Unfortunately, most people still aren't even aware that these vaccines operate by mRNA or how it differs from old school vaxxes. Now this? It's like we're in a reality where every conspiracy theory eventually becomes true.

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What is more harmful is not taking care of ourselves, building up our immune systems, which our body was made to fight anything and everything (and that includes cancer), and there is documentation on that. Vaccines have been, let’s just say tainted with, since as far back as the 1960s.

I won’t even go into the issues with mRNA technology, which was never designed to be used on humans. One fact is there’s no way to determine how much to dose an individual with. That’s insane! Once it enters the body and they have proven through lab work, etc. that the “nano tech” goes into every cell in your body… every cell. And then there’s the proteins…

In my opinion, the opinion of other healthcare professionals and actually others around the world- this is premeditated murder.

The Answer

Daily health care routine, which includes proper amount of sleep, good nutrition (and now we’re having to add supplements because of the soil being depleted and the “other things” that they’re doing to our soil AND our food supply - which they should be prosecuted for), clean water without any chemicals, movement or exercise and so on.

We need to be responsible for our own health. The WHO, UN, NATO, WEF, governments of the world are not here to help us. They never have been.

If you look at the operations done around the world and in America- example is Operation Popeye, you will see that the facts point to only ONE conclusion.

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