I listened to the whole piece. It feels like we could all just be sitting around the campfire enjoying our favorite beverage.

As a fellow INTPer , I think you’ve made a lot of great observations. Sorry about your friend Scott but as you say it became a teaching moment. Indeed it’s a shame how so many get so triggered that they quickly spin to rage and even just cut off friendships (which I think is a manifestation of virtue signaling - almost required for left people to maintain internal self consistency when they are outwardly bashing the right - that’s the only explanation other than people being so superficial that they are not able to form real friendships - a real friendship should tolerate differing views). I had a recent experience with a family member getting enraged and it just shocked me.

I remember being very excited about Palin too and was so disappointed that they couldn’t close on a win. Four years later I got disillusioned with Romney and the Republican party because I think they lost their way. So I left the party to jointhe unaffiliated ranks. Trump was a great response to that problem but right from the get go I was so disgusted at how the media would not fairly and truthfully report him, would twist and lie to make him out as some kind of racist tyrant, which he clearly was/is not. It amazes me still how all that vitriol and poison continues to taint so many people’s perceptions. So unfair. That should never be allowed to happen with a president again. The media failing to do their real job of honest reporting is possibly the most damaging thing to have happened to our culture and one of the biggest threats to our republic. I’m with you that the media should be neutral, and contrary to the “thinking” that’s in vogue these days, I do think it’s possible for journalists to hold themselves to that neutral standard. Give the people the facts and let the sraw their own conclusions. Do the digging that they can’t and produce the facts and data so the people can watch their government and hold it accountable when necessary.

One last thought is personal responsibility: at the end of the day people are responsible for what they do and say. That woman with the Sufi thing chose not to do any research to find out who you were and what you meant, did not choose to react in a measured way, but instead took a quick knee-jerk reaction, possibly to curry more ‘points’ through virtue signaling. That behavior is squarely at her feet and cannot be blamed on ‘training’. I think to do so creates a slippery slope where people are released from personal responsibility with regard to their fellow citizens. The social media of the last 10-15 years has also damaged our culture such that people are dehumanized and many feel free to bash others without knowing the first thing about them (or feel obligated to bash in the service of virtue signaling)

This virtue signaling keeps coming up. I believe it is from a lack of humility and allowing one’s ego to dominate. I seriously wonder how the increased secularization of our society may likely increase our vulnerability to this. I feel someone who is sincerely in touch with a higher power and the faith teachings to love one’s fellow man may be less likely to fall into those traps of vanity (which is not the same as saying all religious people are good).

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Feb 24, 2022·edited Feb 24, 2022Liked by Stephanie B.

I ahould have added i agree with aome of the points made about Trump and the vax. It’s baffling to me and orhers why he doesn’t back away from that. The info on side effects that ia coming out seems to be the natural opportunity to do so. He seems quite vested in the idea of the vaxes, which could have been a great accomplishment if only they were ‘real’ and McFauci and ilk hadn’t lied and hoodwinked him. Maybe some political calculus about independents or maybe just something he can’t internalize that went awry. I’m almost dome with RFKjr book and about to start Scott Atlas book so i’m hoping there will be insights there. I think you’re right he should change hia tune on that, but the hour is getting late for him to do so and retain any cred that it isn’t driven by polls.

*vax=eua biologic

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022Liked by Stephanie B.

I haven't read or watched anything yet, so this is a headline comment. I don't think we need to worry about the narrative about the vac at least. The data of death and injury will catch up to the deniers eventually. right now this HIV positivity with the vax is becoming something. Watch, some county will recommend AIDS tests for the vaccinated. Then we can commence with the gloating.

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