Apr 25Liked by Stephanie B.

The problem, as I see it, is that people don’t want to believe they can solve their own problems because then they would be responsible for their situation, whatever that may be. When my oldest son was a toddler, he tripped and fell while walking quickly on the sidewalk, as happens when they are “toddling”. To my amazement, my MIL immediately berated the “bad sidewalk” and comforted my son. I stood there dumbfounded for a moment and then said, “why are you blaming the sidewalk? He fell. It happens. He will learn, but the sidewalk did nothing.” She responded with something o the effect of she didn’t want my son to feel bad for falling. And to me, this entire episode is a micro example of what is wrong with people today and it the source of the “neurotic narcissism” the author mentioned. My son was a baby, it wasn’t his “fault” , it was just part of learning and he did have control. (I’m pretty confident that now in his 30s, he rarely falls when walking.😅). I guess my point is that we’ve disempowered our younger people by taking away the understanding that they can fix their circumstances on their own, without paying “experts” thousands of dollars and without being dependent upon a pharmaceutical solution.

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Yes. Instead of properly selected nutrition for infants with esophageal reflux, which can in the vast majority of cases cure or very well improve the child’s condition, people make very expensive and symptomatic types of alternative treatment and simply do not provide the opportunity to significantly help in treating the disease.

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Amazing. In my words, you said what I have been telling my patients for 20 years. I am a pediatrician who has been practicing homeopathy for more than 30 years within the framework of the Israeli State Health Insurance Funds, and I have long seen that our holistic approach often requires too expensive and incorrect holistic treatment of problems, although it can be fundamentally solved by applying the right solution. The clearest example is the modern and expensive and fashionable treatment of the problem of esophagitis in infants with osteopathy and acupuncture instead of simply replacing them with poor nutrition!

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