
Stephanie, this election is getting exciting. Here is a new article from Zerohedge that just dropped an hour ago:


"No One Is Pushing Me Out" Biden Tells Staff As New NYT Poll Shows Trump Lead Widening"

If you win our friendly bet, I will admit I was wr.......wrrrrr.........wrrrrong.

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"But anyone can have a bad day" is possibly the dumbest take of all time. (And thanks for sharing my sub!)

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Jun 29Liked by Stephanie B.

Did you see David Axelrod's tweet?


Reality check: @JoeBiden is the nominee of the Democratic Party, nominated by voters in primaries across the country. Unless the @POTUS, himself, decides to quit--which he won't--that issue is settled.

The discussion that is going on now was timely a year ago, when few wanted to have it.

It's largely irrelevant today.

Joe is not stepping down, because he actually is not running the WH anyway. It's his narcissistic wife.

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If that is their option , HillaryRodam fucking Clinton. Get your guns and ammo people. She is the devil.

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You and I wouldn’t agree on much, but I have subscribed and been a loyal reader.

The ridiculous hypocritical BS comes to a halt now. You can see it clearly. It’s a complete shitshow. We agree on that alone. Keep up your reporting on this terrible and very troubling time.

Kamala Harris is mind numbingly absent of brain capacity and morals. She just might be a decent choice given the other options.

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No debate has ever taken place before the nominating conventions. The timing was no coincidence—my guess is it will be Hillary. Why? She's a Neocon and will quickly go to war with Russia and China.

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Maybe but I think Hillary is done. It looks like Whitmer is the next anointed female. She may also show her NeoCon colors if put in office.

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