Then quit shitting around and produce some proof or shut the fuck up.

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Watch the spin from Walz start in the MSM

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He (Walz) should be spun on a hot electric cattle prod unto his ass is cooked well done ( or maybe just medium rare ( deep second degree burns because they still hurt)

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When they make a public statement, I'll believe it. But so far, they don't even identify themselves.

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And you know why thy are reluctant to identify themselves, is because of bastards like you will not believe them or worse yet blame them—classic victim blaming.

You should rot in hell.

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As someone whose English teacher attempted to molest me at that age (I prevented anything from happening beyond him grabbing my dick, I say to you TJ: If we’re supposed to ‘believe them’ when women allege rape etc. Why does Tampon Tim get a pass from you?

Could it possibly be that you have the same proclivities and past or current predatory behavior as Tampon Tim? Does Tampon Tim stock the boys bathrooms with Tampons because a tampon up the butt is very effective for controlling the rectal bleeding from the inevitable anal tear from forced anal intercourse of a virginal young adolescent. Perhaps you can share your personal experiences with covering up your own crime.

PS : I never told anyone about my sexual assault until well into adulthood. And then initially only with my wife when she accused me of being a bigot because I objected to having male homosexual teachers in classrooms.

You are a disgusting human being trying to cover for this bastard, whether or not my conjectures about you are even remotely correct.

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“a tampon up the butt is very effective for controlling the rectal bleeding from the inevitable anal tear from forced anal intercourse of a virginal young adolescent”

Wait. How the fuck would you know that? Is that the kind of twisted minutiae that floats around behind your eyes?

The fuck out of here, Chester.

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Tampons being used to stop bleeding in women's orifices seems inescapably illogical to stop bleeding from men's orifices?

Why else would Dim insist that tampon machines be installed in boys school bathrooms?

How many of your heroes have turned out to be pedos?

Embrace his drunk driving past, his failed administration that oversaw 100 million in fraud, that manifested three days of rioting in Minneapolis.

He stood by his attorney general Keith Nation of Islam Ellison who's credible past of women beating and support of Islamic extremism and antifa were ignored.

He stood by John Thompson, a black state legislator who whipped out his dick amongst women and children and said kiss the tip.

Fuck off with your bullshit

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Um, you didn’t note that I am a physician? And that I might have some experience in treating anorectal injuries?


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I bet not 1 in 100 doctors have ever stuffed, or recommended stuffing a tampon up a kids ass, but if you're an ass doctor. OK then

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Applying direct pressure on a bleeding wound is a time tested and very effective way (and least invasive) to treat bleeding. In a school bathroom one is not going to find gauze dressing or packing materials, and having had to improvise in the field and in 3rd world situations (not for treating acute anorectal injuries, to be clear), but by analogy anticipating how one might approach the problem, Tampon Tim’s boy’s room tampons would be an obvious choice… you are clearly not commenting in an area where you have any knowledge or insight. I am a family doctor who has often been in low resource settings and have had to improvise and as a result of that I will easily anticipate how to handle a situation with inadequate supplies. I have already taken more time to explain than you are worth.

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deleted22 hrs ago
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Well, TJ, thanks for responding.

I wasn’t accusing you, but the hypocritical cultural shaming machine of the woke.

The list of Arkancided people (figuratively ) is too long among other things for a call for ‘ show me the victim’ to be other than the equivalent of a veiled request to dox this unfortunate person, and we pretty much know that the DNC henchmen will arrange to have the gentleman have an unfortunate accident.

Your last paragraph is essentially calling me an incestuous liar and a pedophile. Likely that is pure projection.

It is pretty clear to me that you are a Democrat and will be voting for the prostitute and the kiddie diddler regardless of what comes out about Tampon Tim.

Have a nice day.

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"Could it possibly be that you have the same proclivities and past or current predatory behavior as Tampon Tim? "

But you weren't accusing me....get the fuck out of here, you nut case. You're really not helping the cause.

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Why are you defending him?

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I'm asking to see the x-rays before I just randomly open his fricking chest, doc. Routine due diligence; was that not part of your med school training, or did you just poke around and hope for the best?

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Here I was waiting for Black Insurrectionist to post the goods!


And also... what a mess. What will they pull to cover it all up?

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The allegations are becoming progressively more detailed.

That's a very bad sign for Tim Walz. We're not yet to the level of definitive proof of criminality, but we are starting to get close.

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I would not be covering this story so much if I didn't have a strong gut feeling.

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