Just another reason to hate Harvard….cancel that indoctrination camp

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If this is the future of medicine.. it doesn't have one..

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I was amazed to see there was actually a token white man. He was probably gay. how hypocritical is our DEI ridden society. DEI appears to be all about all about disparities. Yet, white men make up 20% of the population. Do we see that reflected in selection. Inclusion is a joke.

I'm an older dude and need healthcare more frequently. It terrifies me to get a care provider that got into these programs because of gender or race. All I can do is hope that these DEI Marxist have a women or minority treating their child. Let them wonder if the provider is competent.

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I threw up in my mouth, more than a little. Fucking retards.

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My neighbor told me today that he was working at a hospital and I quipped,” you aren't making dance videos are you?” They said no but he's worried about some of the others. I felt like sharing that, let the mind wander where it may, but at least my neighbor is paying attention in class, per him, so that's at least one person possibly able to affect change.

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I ain’t watching that. It has been a long week.

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If they don’t make it through med school they can always be airline pilots.

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Here's your world-class medical experts bro:

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Yeah, I guess I’ll start spending a lot more time looking at the diplomas on the doc’s office wall.

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The takeover is complete. We live in a world ruled by monsters and their slaves.

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I am a retired MD. The nitwits in this video make me embarrassed for my profession. I will say that, in my over 30 year career I spent a lot of time on the credentials committee, reviewing the CVs of applicants to the hospital medical staff. Having seen the abilities of many Ivy League grads to actually perform in medicine, these folks in the video shouldn't be so cocky. No one, including me, cares where their doctor went to medical school. And they shouldn't. You should only care about the results they get. And after 3 decades in the business, I will say that a Harvard degree doesn't have any predictive value as to how well your surgery is going to go. Sorry, kids, dial down the obnoxiousness, maybe from 11 down to 1. Your internship awaits you, and you will learn humility there.

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The only thing they'll learn from such institutional brainwashing is iatrocide.

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Good word. More people should get familiar with it, especially after the handling of the pandemic.

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After the past few years, I hope every “doctor” goes bankrupt.

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Clearly they practiced/studied for the video unlike their exams.

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“In the food chain we’re the ones that eat you”

Not really supposed to say the quiet part out loud. But it’s always nice to hear how great the most privileged among us think they are.

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