I do think you are absolutely on target with the suggestion of "attack" via gentle questioning.

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"Have you read any articles on sites like Yahoo! lately? The level of writing and analysis is like something a 13-year-old would come up with; actually, the 13-year-old could do better."

I have certainly been noticing for quite a while that those involved in "journalism" show a decided lack of exposure to good writing. Why do I say this? Because they so often misspell, so often confuse homophones (rye in place of wry). And for goodness' sake, a spell checker is so easy to use!

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Thank you Stephanie: "Pull kids out of public school, homeschool them, or get involved with the public school." I am the more grateful to you because you DON'T have "skin in the game". Those of us pushing that idea, as far as I have read, are parents of children in school, or (like me) those who have experienced the toxicity, and urge parents who have not seen it, to pull their kids out. I myself have been tooting this horn since end of January '21, when I left the public school--and left it not because I hated teaching (for I loved it and loved my students) but because the administration, the culture, had made the school environment poisonous.

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What you described is one primary reason the US will split into smaller pieces. The division and dogma of each ideological side are too entrenched to create any compromise on any subject.

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