they were probably looking for "B.S." Bullshit....

with MS... more of the same.

and finally PHD..... piled higher and deeper

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I hope you’re wrong, but I think you’re right!

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

The fact that a person who should know that 'AB' is Latin for 'BA', (something I did not know, but it is not my job to know such things) is certainly just one more piece of mounting evidence of The Competency Crisis. I graduated pharmacy school in 1999. Back then, it was unheard of for someone to not pass their board exams on the first taking. I have heard, over and over, of graduates taking the exam 2 to 3 times in order to pass. A young lady I work with is in the same situation. She is 25 and is going to take the exam for the 3rd time in August. I was talking to her one day about writing. I talked about how when I was growing up, we needed to learn cursive writing. She said, 'What use is that?', very dismissively. I said, 'Well, it hardwires a creative skill, adds some hand eye coordination and makes use of your mind'. I was really shocked to learn that this skill is not taught anymore. Neither is shop class or woodworking in primary education. Competency starts at childhood, not just in college or in your work environment. If the beauty of writing is seen as passe' and a relic, what else is our mind used for? It is the sign.....one sign....of a society in decline. So, when Trump wins, these same people who were never taught beauty, temperance, patience or other character building skills as children, will be out in the streets burning, looting and creating lawlessness.

New patron. Old friend.

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Did anyone watch the guy who shows how the radar patterns are changed using radar or something alike that... Causing the weather to change and dump in some areas and avoid others. And I think you should start listening to Alex Jones... He is saying the same stuff. He has been right a lot.

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You guys need to read Martin Armstrong and follow the ECM model. I can't stress enough how uncanny the predictions are. Not precisely what happens, but turning points when a change begins. For instance model for wars, civil unrest, inflation, and market turns. The model works and is based on humans repeating the same errors throughout history.

Having stated the above, we will experience civil unrest, war, extreme taxes, defaults on government paper, and continuous division that eventually splits the nation. We will see the end of republicism, not just in the US but worldwide. And just as two significant wars destroyed the hegemony of the UK and the rise of American power, it is the US's turn to cycle and lose its influence as the world's financial capital, ceding to China. World powers come and go, and America is in its sunset years. Our endless wars and continuous debt that will never be paid back will be our undoing, as every other power has experienced. Our big turning point is the fall of 2032. As you have felt the disturbance in the force, the above are some realities heading our way. Things will be different after 2032. America will still be around, but not the American we've known.

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Jul 2Liked by Stephanie B.

I agree. Storm clouds all over, and a giant contrail over my building earlier. It looked like a rattle snake. Very ominous. Now it’s dissipated into that annoying haze.

Anyway I’m going to hit the tip jar tomorrow. I feel i owe you and it’s long overdue.

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Thank you sooo much...I very much appreciate it!

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Jul 2Liked by Stephanie B.

Hey Stephanie.

All I can add is that I am hearing/seeing this everywhere right now…. Interesting times we are in….

Thanks for your bits of levity despite the horrendous storm we’re in.

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