Just checked X and BI is still there. Last post 1 day ago tho and posts were previously frequent.

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So now there are two anons making accusations.

This isn't how a legit deal works.

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Corporate media yawned when presented with the diary of Joe Biden's daughter, who all but accused Joe of molesting her as a child.

Corporate media attacked Tara Reade when she accused Joe Biden of sexual assault.

Hollywierd tolerated Harvey Weinstein's sexual predations as long as he was churning out Oscars for starlets. Then turned on him the moment he was no longer a sure route to an Oscar statue.

The Democratic Party and progressives in general will not let accusations against Tim Walz gain traction until he is no longer useful to them. Which probably means this story will "blow up" right after the election--and if the Harris/Walz ticket crashes and burns I would bet money this story will explode all over the media. Walz will get sacrificed to the machine just like all spent Democrats get sacrificed to the machine.

(Which also means the Democrats will "discover" all of Biden's corruption not long after he's out of office).

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