"I think she’s not being promoted because she’s NOT as easy to control as a Biden or a Newsom."

This I believe to be the case, but the Dems may not have quite realized it initially. Anyone remember the reports of staffing issues due to Kamala's treatment of her aides & staff? My guess is that she's probably more than a tad unpleasant behind closed doors, which would contrast nicely with her public appearances as the queen of nervous cackling and word salads. No way would she be as malleable as Sleepy Joe.

I believe they originally intended to pull Joe out during his 3rd year, allowing for Kamala to run for re-election twice instead of once. What a weird thing he said here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrK2sV_h3pY But the Russian invasion also happened and it's hard to launder taxpayer money through Ukraine when you're no longer president. I tell you, it's strange being a conspiracy theorist at this point in my life.

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Kamala Harris was put on the ticket in 2020 precisely to rehabilitate her after she got kneecapped by Tulsi Gabbard in the primaries -- and she made a complete pig's breakfast of it.

Harris represents the real problem with the Democratic Party today: their bench is thin and getting thinner, with nobody with any real talent left in the ranks of the up and coming.

In 2016 and again this election cycle, the Republicans have had an embarrassment of riches when it comes to candidates. Any of the candidates in the GOP primary field last fall. The Democrats just don't have talent on deck.

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Agree, although most of it for the general public is marketing and perception, and for some reason they choose not to hype up Kamala. It's a bit odd to me.

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If what Tulsi Gabbard said about Kamala in the 2020 primaries is even partially true, and especially if what Willie Brown said about her is even somehwat true, Kamala has way too many skeletons in the closet to be worth taking the chance.

Harris is not Huey Long, or even Bill Cinton. She doesn't have the personal charm and charisma to overcome rampant evidence of political corruption. She's got all the wooden charm of Al Gore and the interpersonal skills of Richard Nixon. When you match that to a level of corruption equal to the Biden crime family, that's not a good combination.

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Yeah, but Biden is not charming either and he never had any charisma. A good portion of the populace seems to make their opinions on politicians based on what the NY Times says about them. So if they marketed Kamala as likeable, she'd be suddenly liked a whole lot more.

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Good point about Kamala maybe being too hard to control if she thought she was an actual president.

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Ask this question. Why did the DNC and Biden handlers allow a debate? They knew the outcome. Why would they expose Biden like this?

Because it allows them to remove Biden for someone else, my guess is we will see a Trump-Hillary part two—a rematch.

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Biden can only be removed at this point by Joe Biden.

Even if the Democrats try a 25th Amendment end run around him, they end up admitting they've covered up his mental incapacity for his entire term.

Every option for the Democrats at this point is a bad option that almost certainly concedes the election to Trump.

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Removed as a nominee not president. Never has a debate occurred before a nominee is confirmed as a candidate by a party. This is the first time. So it seems CNN is in on the coup inside the DNC to damage Biden for the world to witness. We then see a new nominee at the DNC convention. I believe the debate was the tactic to give cover to remove Biden as a candidate.

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I'm not saying you're wrong. I suspect there are operators inside the DNC who want Biden gone.

The problem they have is that Biden has to choose to step down. No one has any leverage over him to force the matter. The only other choice for the Democrats is Arkancide, and it won't surprise me a bit if they take it.

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Obviously Trump was in on the plan, that's why he didn't bother getting worked up against the sleepy one.

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Could be, never discount anything in politics.

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