You need this guy. He’s the best. People fly from all over the world to see him in St Louis for their mystery illnesses

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Thanks. I can't afford to fly anywhere much less not sure if I can handle the ear popping on an airplane right now, but will keep this in my list of resources.

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Have you ever thought about going to see an osteopath for some jaw/head/neck manipulation? From what mine has said, there are (awake) parents who enlist osteopaths’ help to preventatively treat newborns for inner ear infections.

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Ha! Yes, the doctor I recently consulted with at Kaiser (not the neuro) was not one of those types of osteopaths - I was hoping she was, but she wasn't. The osteopaths at Kaiser are apparently not those types and the one local guy I looked up a few years ago was pushing covid vaccinations was banning people from the practice who weren't vaccinated if I remember correctly.

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Did you try ivermectin? I have some topical ivermectin...you want me to mail it to you? I am being serious. I am not kidding.

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Thank you, I have considered ivermectin, but you could get into some serious trouble sending that to me across state lines especially now that this comment has been live for a few days, and who knows who is monitoring Substacks like mine. I will try to get it prescribed.

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I went to a compounding pharmacy and got the generic...good luck.

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Bee Pollen from the health food store,

( I sprinkle it on yogurt )

Seems to flush out all of the components of my ear.

This kind of gross: but rather than constituting hard ear wax - when I use bee pollen it’s like a soft warm liquid rinse comes out.

And it just feels like that’s what the ear was looking for.

You might consider looking into that, or things like that.

- Best

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Hmmm interesting, will put this on my shopping list!

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